Fitness Journey Friday: Week 4

Hey friends! I can’t believe it’s already been 4 weeks since 2017 started, and since I’ve decided to restart my fitness journey! Time definitely flies. This week I wanted to try something different – I stopped tracking calories and macros and focused more on how my body felt after each meal. Maybe I jumped the […]

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Fitness Journey Friday: Week 3

Hey friends! It’s week 3 of “Fitness Journey Fridays”! Honestly, this week wasn’t great health-wise. I didn’t keep track of my macros, my caloric intake was all over the place, I wasn’t eating the best foods on some days and I still found excuses to not start a workout routine. I felt guilty most days […]

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Naturally, Ari

Hey friends! If you couldn’t tell by the title of this blog, I’m Ari! I figured my first blog post should be a little intro into my life, so here it is: I’m beginning my fourth year as an undergrad at THE Ohio State University (or home, if we’re being completely honest). I’m studying Health […]

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